We live in an overly entertained society, where being distracted has become a norm. Have you ever asked yourself why we get bored? We get bored because of our innate habit to constantly seek stimulation. It is not a secret that many of us have a hard time enjoying our own company. People are afraid to sit with their stress, anxieties, and fears, as this often leads to discomfort and overwhelm. The good news is that discomfort can lead to growth and change that we tend to avoid.
After reading this blog you are going to walk away feeling focused, empowered and enthusiastic from making the most out of the time you have been gifted. It’s time to switch away from a negative mindset, with feelings of hopelessness and anxiety, to feeling grateful for what you have right now! So much self-reflection and greatness can come from the time we have in the present. It is important to remember that if we take care of ourselves mentally and physically, we can deal with any challenge that we may face in the future.Â

The goal of this blog is to guide you out of boredom in a meaningful, productive and powerful way. We are sharing a few activities that will help you channel those negative emotions into positive ones. These activities are not intended to be distractions from your boredom, like binge-watching a show on Netflix, getting lost in the news, or spending hours on social media would be. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with these options, we all do it! Nevertheless, we want to focus on your personal advancement and growth.Â
Next time when you find yourself thinking "Gosh, I’m so bored!!!", Here are some productive activities that you can take on.
Clean, declutter, and reorganize your living space. Figuratively speaking, we are constantly bombarded with external clutter; be that from the news, social media, or the opinions of others. By decluttering your home, this will not only clear out your space but also your thoughts and invite peace to enter. You will feel a sense of clarity inside your mind by simplifying the clutter around you, getting rid of all the stuff you no longer use. Our external estate can have a significant impact on our internal estate.Â

Build a scrapbook of all your amazing memories. You know those thousands of pictures in your phone camera roll? Well, the time has come to organize them. Go through all of your photos and sort them into folders. Then print out your favorite pictures and put them into either a scrapbook or create a photo book online (there are lots of great sites available). This is a great way to organize your past and to be reminded of the joy and passion evident in your life (even if they don't always seem as obvious).

Do a physical activity you love. Whether that is working out, meditating, or doing yoga. We encourage you to write down and keep track of your goals and progress every day. This is a great way to stay motivated, focused, and productive. Also, make sure to have a great playlist on hand so that you can jam out to your favourite tunes while you exercise! Click here for the 7 Best at Home Workouts (No-Equipment Required).
Learn a new skill. Be that a new instrument, language, art, you name it, acquiring a new skill can instill a sense of pride and accomplishment which will help get that serotonin flowing. There are many easy and accessible online classes and workshops that are available, so why not take advantage of them? Skillshare is a great website that offers thousands of free classes for you to unlock a passion, side hustle, or new professional skill.

Tip of the day: try to avoid technology when you feel bored.
Now that we have given you a few effective ways to beat boredom, it is your turn to put them into action. Negative situations can take place all around us, and it is up to us to find the lessons concealed within them. We advise you to seek joy in performing these activities and turn them into forms of meditations. It is also important that you do these activities while remaining fully present, avoiding the temptation to think about the future or the past. Train your mind to realize that boredom is not about what you do, but how you do it. Further, the silence and space around us can be recognized as the key to inner peace if you allow it.Â
Stay calm,
Veronica and Theresa
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